Myrna James Yoo Publisher and Managing
Editor Apogeo Spatial and LBx Journal Owner Blueline Publishing LLC
[email protected]
Dear Remote Sensing and Location Professional,
In this issue, we are excited to announce that the OGC has a new important standard for “Digital Earth” – all the various representations of our world that exist online with geospatial accuracy. It’s called the Discrete Global Grid System (DGGS); the public comment period just concluded, and soon it will go to a vote for approval. This is exciting and much needed; read all about it here.
In the article here, we continue our series exploring ways to manage and visualize geospatial data. This series began because of the news that Google Earth API / Enterprise would be deprecated, and it continues because there are many companies offering various ways of managing and visualizing data, and doing so all in one place may not be the solution. Of course, everything depends on what the users need. In this ongoing series, we are providing relevant information so that readers will be able to make educated decisions.
In the Fall 2015 issue, we covered VRICON’s Globe in 3D, and Esri’s ArcGIS Earth. In this issue, we cover Galdos Systems’ INdicio, Skyline Software Systems’ TerraExplorer and SkylineGlobe, as well as the contributions of Onix Networking Corp. Companies have many options when it comes to organizing and visualizing geospatial data, and we will continue to share them in this series moving forward. Please provide feedback on the Apogeo Spatial LinkedIn company page.
We are pleased to publish the viewpoint of Dr. Tyrone Grandison, whose role as Deputy Chief Data Of cer at the U.S. Department of Commerce gives him unique insight into the U.S. Government’s policies and procedures. In his Opinion/Editorial, he shares his belief that the government provides a signi cant amount of “free” data, which is not properly appreciated or understood by citizens, or even by businesses that bene t from the use of this data. Read more here.
Our partnership with Secure World Foundation provides us with unique access to the meetings of the Group on Earth Observations, the intergovernmental organization that is leading the world- wide effort to build a Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS), which will address nine societal bene t areas de ned by the United Nations. The report from the 2015 Ministerial Summit in Mexico City is here. For more information, see www.earthobservations.org. Data is being housed at www.geoportal.org.
Also in the last issue, we announced that for every magazine that we print, we are replacing trees that we use, via PrintReleaf. This wonderful organization has just received approval for their patent, confirming that the technology solutions and systems which they are using to measure printer resources and transact environmental offsets were designed in such unique ways that they warrant the legal protection. “When we launched PrintReleaf, we set the goal of creating the world’s first platform to automate global reforestation for paper-based products,” said Jordan Darragh, founder and CEO. “Being awarded a patent is ultimate validation that we’ve met this particular goal, one for which we are very grateful.”
Thanks for reading. Please send editorial ideas and feedback to [email protected].
Myrna James Yoo